Best Safety Training Institute in Chennai

About Us

ISA (Industrial Safety Academy) is formed by a group of esteemed professionals with common aim to reduce workplace incidents and injuries for employees through OHS training. In workplace many accidents occurs as result of full or partial error by the humans. We firmly believe with proper training not only to OHS professionals but also to all employees of the organization will minimize the accidents. We provide training in most areas related to health and safety profession such as, Diploma in fire and industrial safety, Post diploma in industrial safety and Advanced diploma in occupational health and safety category courses. We also provide both national and international certifications.

Our counselors are available to support on any information regarding the course, career path guidance and trainings. Many courses we provide are at various levels for each designation in the field of health and safety. Choose what to learn today and join us immediately to set up a great career path for you.


We want to make a safer tomorrow for all the workplace individuals and their dependents at home. So our training will continue on educating millions of professionals around the globe till every industrial workplace is made safe.


We are here to serve all the professionals seeking for OHS training needs in any organization or individual at all levels. We provide both local and international trainings based on the needs of the professionals. Though our primary aim is to reduce the workplace accidents yet our focus is also fixed on making the families feel safe in the process. We hope to accomplish all these goals through our training and guidance with experienced tutors.


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